Message On Hold

Opportunity Doesn't Always Knock; Sometimes It Rings!

Are you holding on to your customers?

Ever wonder how many customers contact your business each day, and how many hang up without discovering more about your services? Consider what your customers hear when they call your business. Are they exposed to your competitors’ radio ads or worse, just dead air?

The key to retaining these customers – and the revenue they generate – is an effective, professional Message On Hold program. While your customers are on hold, seize the opportunity to increase your sales, inform, entertain, educate, and close!

Evidence consistently shows the advantages of On Hold Marketing. Whether you aim to decrease the number of frustrated callers waiting On Hold, highlight new products or promotions, or provide general company information, integrating an On Hold Messaging program is crucial to your communication strategy.

At Please Hold Canada, our skilled team of copywriters and voice talents, supported by state-of-the-art studios, will help you perfect your audio image. Our customer service personnel and proprietary customer service software will help you manage your Marketing On Hold program, strengthening your overall advertising and marketing campaigns.

This is why we say “Your Image Is Our Business”

Message On Hold Statistics


of all advertising budgets are spent to induce calls, while only 4% is spent to handle those new calls


of callers surveyed preferred message recordings to radio or silence

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