Our Philosophy

Working Around You

Belief Structure

We work for a diverse group of clients. No one single “formula” could possibly satisfy all their needs. But we do have a valuable set of general guidelines by which we will conduct our work for your company. These guidelines are a result of our over two decades of experience and customer feedback. Many competitors who followed us have imitated our approach.

Longer Productions

Please Hold Canada believes that the longer the production the more effective it is. We develop longer productions, not because we believe our clients keep callers on hold for that long, but because of the following reasons:

  • Should there be an instance of above average hold time, or situations that includes several hold experiences during the same call, a longer production ensures no repetition
  •  With longer productions, repeat callers tend to hear different parts of each production every time they call
  • Longer productions enable clients to include more information
  • Messages can be broadcast based on time of the day

Unlimited Messaging

It is important that your company is given an opportunity to present to their callers the widest possible spectrum of information.

By offering a minimum of 8 short message units on each production, our scriptwriters can maximize each script’s potential to meet your goals.


Together with your company, we will identify music, which is appropriate to your demographics. We will then design our productions dependent upon the average length of time callers are kept on hold, i.e. 20-25 second music breaks between messages if the “hold time” is longer than average; 15-20 seconds if “hold time” is average.

Each production is comprised of different but appropriate music beds. This allows for variation and interest retention on the part of the caller. As well, our music is precisely edited, allowing for smooth, professional sounding transitions, with no amateurish fade-outs.


Soft Sell. Informative. Image Enhancing. Product Cross Educational. These are some of the qualities and styles of all our productions. Of our over two decades in this field, we have learned that “hard sell”, “cute” and “gimmicky” serve only to lessen the client’s professional image. Our low-key style is instantly recognizable because it bespeaks quality; obviously not just for ourselves, but for our clients as well.

Voice Talent

Almost three decades ago, we were the first Message On Hold Supplier to utilize more than one voice talent on each production. Many of our competitors have tried to imitate our approach. We will offer your company as much variation within each recording as possible; whether female/male, male/male, female/female, or male/female. This not only commands better listener attention, it also keeps each new production fresh and compelling

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